Not necessarily new, but different.  We have a new spokesdoggie, Casper.  Cocoa left us at the ripe old age of 15 years and about 5 weeks.   Casper came home to us a few days later.  He's a rat terrier, and an outstanding example of his breed.  He has already assisted in the elimination of a mouse, prompted a massive reorganizing of my workspace, and generally given us a run for our money.  He is a handful, but we love hi.  As life stabilizes (does it ever really?), I'll be online more, so look forward to new pictures, new product, and a list of events we'll be selling at.  Hopefully, spring will come soon (although the calendar says it has, we still have 6 inches of fresh snow, and it's still coming down), and with it new opportunities.  Until then, keep checking in.  Oh, you can now follow us on Facebook - just click the FB icon on the main page, and it will take your right to our page!

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